
Wednesday, March 28, 2007


"Bbbuuu, Ggiiiin, Yeeek, Peepppeell, Yeeeyyoo, Oooyyeeenn"

Artinya : "Blue, Green, Red, Purple, Yellow, Orange"

Nabil kenal warna dari lagu di VCD English Time - nya, kira2 lagunya seperti ini deh (mohon maaf kalo lyric-nya ada yang salah):

Blue blue the sky is blue,
Come lets see the color blue,

Green green the trees are green,
Come lets se the color green,

Purple yellow and orange so many colors to see,
Learning all the colors is fun for you and me,
Red red the car is red,
Come lets see the color red,
Come lets see the color green,
Come lets see the color blue

Nabil paling suka kalo nyampe lyric "red red the car is red" cuman dia ambil dua kata depan, dan dengan kemampuan bahasa yang masih minim :-? lyricnya berubah jadi "yeeek yeeek..". Hihihi, kesannya apa gitu soalnya "yeek" kan biasa dipake kebanyakan orang menggambarkan sesuatu yang menjijikkan #-o.

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